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AniRA - Genetic and Cellular Analysis



The AniRA Genetic and Cellular Analysis core facility is organized in three units : The AniRA-Genetic Analysis facility, the genotypage facility and CelluloNet (BRC). The facility is certified ISO 9001 :2015.

Link to CelluloNet activities.

The AniRA Genetic Analysis core facility assists investigators in developing projects that require Quantitative PCR techniques. Real-time PCR is a powerful and indispensable tool to quantify nucleic acids. This rapid, sensitive and reproducible method covers a wide variety of applications such as the study of the expression of genes, miRNAs but also the genotyping of SNPs (allelic discrimination) and the variation of the number of copies (CNV). This technique is also used to detect and quantify microorganisms and characterization of known or unknown mutations by High Resolution Melting (HRM) curve.

The AniRA Genetic Analysis core facility is part of the regional AniRA technological core facility that is certified by the national IBiSA label (IBiSA coordinates core facilities in the area of life sciences throughout France) and member of the French Research Infrastructure Celphedia (a French National Research Infrastructure for animal models).

How to cite SFR Biosciences on your publications



The AniRA Genetic Analysis core facility provides various services:

State-of the-art equipment to:

  • Quantify and control nucleic acids (Nanodrop, Dropsens, Bioanalyser).
  • Prepare automatically QPCR 96-well plates (Qiagen Tecan robots) and QPCR circuits.
  • Design primers and analyze the results with appropriate software.


Technological watch:

The QPCR is a constantly evolving technology. The AniRA Genetic Analysis core facility provides a technology watch and offers regular seminars to present all the latest innovations.

Consulting and Expertise:

The AniRA Genetic Analysis core facility assists researchers to perform their projects, to analyze results and to adapt the technology to their needs.


  • genotyping by PCR, of genetically modified lines
  • Protocol transfer for new genetically modified lines





How to contact us/where to find us:

How to find us  (intranet)

Equipment is located on different sites of the SFR Biosciences, close to the contributing centers. Equipment can be reserved on line after creation of a user account and training..

For more information, please contact :

  1. Bariza Blanquier: facility manager
  2. Tel : 04 37 28 23 26
  3. Mail :



It is essential to master the theoretical and technical aspects of PCR quantification to generate reliable and reproducible results. The AniRA Genetic Analysis core facility offers several training modules for users to understand the different aspects of the technology in line with the MIQE guidelines (Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments) and to be able to manage autonomously their QPCR projects.


User Fees

Information on user fees is available on intranet (équipes contributrices et équipes académiques) or upon demand.



Method for detection of mycoplasma



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