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Novembre 2021



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Séminaire Externe

" Mechanistic insights into transcriptional activation in zebrafish embryos "

Edlyn WU (University of Lausanne)
Host : Yad Ghavi-Helm

Vendredi 12/11/2021

Salle des Thèses CRC

Séminaire Externe

« Mechanistic insights into the formation of meiotic DNA double-strand breaks »

Corentin CLAEYS BOUUAERT (Université catholique de Louvain – Belgique)
Contact :Aurèle Piazza
The formation of haploid gametes relies on a recombination program that promotes the pairing and accurate segregation of homologous chromosomes prior to the first meiotic division. Meiotic recombination is initiated by the programmed induction of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by a topoisomerase-related protein Spo11, together with nine accessory subunits in yeast. A mechanistic understanding of meiotic DSB formation has long been hampered by difficulties in purifying Spo11 and its essential partners. In the last few years, we have solved this issue, opening avenues for biochemical studies. In this presentation, I will describe our recent work to delineate the structure and function of the meiotic DSB machinery, and their connection with the higher-order organization of meiotic chromosomes.

Lundi 15/11/2021

Salle IBCP Conf

Séminaire Externe

« Structure of the hantavirus particle : evolutionary relations and implications for vaccine design »

 Pr. Félix REY (Institut Pasteur, Paris)     
Hôte : Pierre-Yves Lozach & Patrice Gouet
Info: pass sanitaire requis pour l’entrée en salle de conférence

Mardi 16/11/2021


Salle IBCP Conf

Séminaire Externe

« TBA »

Pr. Violaine SÉE 

Mardi 16/11/2021


Amphi Pasteur

Séminaire externe

“ Large scale screening discovers clofoctol as an inhibitor of SARS-CoV-2 replication that reduces COVID-19-like pathology “

Dr. Jean DUBUISSON  (Centre Infection Immunité de Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille)
Hôte : FL Cosset & Pierre-Yves Lozach
AT the early phase of the COVID-19 crisis, we have focused our research activities on the search for antivirals able to inhibit SARS-CoV-2. The fastest way to implement a treatment against a new rapidly emerging viral disease like COVID-19 consists in screening the potential antiviral activity of drugs approved for human use. This has the advantage of shortening regulatory preclinical development steps. We screened a library of drug compounds, already registered in one or several geographical areas, to identify those exhibiting antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 with relevant potency. Of the 1,942 compounds tested, 21 exhibited a substantial antiviral activity in Vero-81 cells. Among them, clofoctol, an antibacterial drug used for the treatment of bacterial respiratory tract infections, was further investigated due to its favorable safety profile and its pharmacokinetic properties. Notably, the peak concentration of clofoctol that can be achieved in human lungs is more than 20 times higher than its IC95 measured against SARS-CoV-2 in human pulmonary cells. Mechanistically, this compound inhibits SARS-CoV-2 at a post-entry step by specifically blocking translation initiation of viral RNA. Lastly, therapeutic treatment of human ACE2 receptor transgenic mice decreased viral load, reduced inflammatory gene expression and improved pulmonary pathology. Altogether, these data strongly support clofoctol as a therapeutic candidate for the treatment of COVID-19 patients.

Lundi 22/11/2021


Salle de conf IBCP

Séminaire externe

«The yin and yang of hydrophilic and hydrophobic forces in nanomaterials and cellular biology »

Stefano VANNI (Department of Biology, University of Fribourg (Switzerland);                          
Host L. Monticelli
Info: pass sanitaire requis pour l’entrée en salle de conférence

Lundi 22/11/2021



Séminaire externe

« TBA »

François PARCY (CNRS - CEA Grenoble)
Host: Christophe Godin

Mardi 23/11/2021 Day

Amphithéâtre Mérieux - ENS Lyon


Inflammation (and inflammasomes of course!)

Conférence EvoLyon’2021
Marie Monniaux / Lucie Etienne / Abderrahman Khila / Dominique Mouchiroud / Guillaume Beslon /
Dan Dediu / Christophe Douady / Laurent Duret / Gilles Escarguel
La publication par Darwin de "L’origine des espèces" en 1859 a marqué un tournant majeur dans l’histoire des sciences. Au cours du XXème siècle, grâce aux travaux scientifiques dans les domaines les plus divers (génétique moléculaire, écologie des populations, paléontologie, phylogénie, biomathématiques, etc.), notre connaissance de l’histoire et notre compréhension des processus de l’évolution ont considérablement progressé. Ces connaissances constituent le socle sur lequel repose toute la biologie puisque – comme l’a si bien formulé Dobzhansky – "en biologie, rien n’a de sens si ce n’est à la lumière de l’évolution". Plus que jamais, l’évolution du monde vivant est au cœur de nombreux axes de recherches, dont beaucoup dépassent largement le cadre strict des sciences biologiques (sciences de l’homme et de la société, linguistique, philosophie, ...).
Il existe sur Lyon un potentiel scientifique très fort dans le domaine de l’évolution. L’objectif de la conférence EvoLyon est de réunir les chercheurs de ce domaine afin de stimuler des coopérations – notamment entre spécialistes de différents domaines scientifiques. Nous invitons donc tous les chercheur.e.s, étudiant.e.s et enseignant.e.s (lyonnais et au delà) intéressé.e.s – directement ou indirectement – par la question de l’évolution à participer à cette conférence.
Le programme comprendra deux orateurs extérieurs invités (Evelyne Heyer, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris et LLuis Quintana-Murci, Institut Pasteur, Paris) ainsi que six collègues de la place lyonnaise, avec un focus particulier sur la thématique du moment : "Emergence et dynamique évolutive des pathogènes : complexité, biodiversité, co-évolution".
Par ailleurs une session poster sera organisée pendant les pauses café/repas. Nous encourageons tous les participant.e.s (et notamment les doctorant.e.s) à y exposer leurs travaux. Si vous souhaitez présenter un poster, veuillez soumettre un résumé lors de votre inscription.
Pour toute information, contactez :

Jeudi 25/11/2021



Séminaire externe



“ Strong humoral immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 Spike after BTN162b2 mRNA vaccination with a sixteen-week interval between doses “

Andrés FINZI (Department of Microbiology, Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Université de Montreal)                               
Hote : Lionel Condé
With the recent approval of highly effective COVID-19 vaccines, functional and lasting immunity to SARS-CoV-2 is currently under investigation. A detailed characterization of humoral and cellular responses against the Spike of SARS-CoV-2 in a cohort of SARS-CoV-2 naïve and recovered individuals before and after vaccination will be presented. Vaccine-elicited humoral responses comparing short versus long interval between doses will be presented.
Finally, the in depth characterization of potent broadly neutralizing anti-SARS-CoV-2 mAbs will also be presented, with a special emphasis on Fc-mediated effector functions.

Lundi 29/11/2021



Séminaire externe


" Single-cell regulatory genomics of the wound response program "
Swan FLOC’HLAY (KU Leuven)
Host Yad Ghavi-Helm
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