2019 - Controlled experimental environments: from cells to ecosystems
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The challenge of reproducing the nature in the lab | ||||
All these questions beg technological and scientific considerations to optimize the experimental design. In this context, the next SFR Biosciences Day proposes an exchange on the subject of « Controlled experimental environments: from cells to ecosystems ». |
The goal of this conference is to promote exchange between scientists and to offer an opportunity to learn more of the latest technical and scientific developments carried out by the teams and platforms of the SFR BioSciences. Registration is free but mandatory .
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting to share more about these exciting topics.
The organizing committee : François Leulier, Jérome Lafont, Amandine Bianco, Olivier Reynard, Fabienne Archer, Mohammed Bendahmane
Registration is free but compulsory :
8h30 Registration open
9h Welcome address Jacqueline Marvel, SFR Biosciences Director
9h10 Invited lecture
Marion Darnaud (Bioaster, Lyon) « Gnotobiotics: innovative and standardized in vivo models to explore microbiome »
9h25 SFR Speakers
Francesconi Mirko (LBMC) « Finding the causes and consequences of heterogeneity among single cells and single animals in a controlled environment »
9h40 Stéphanie Reynard (CIRI) « Ebola virus diagnosis in the field, example of the Pasteur Laboratory in Macenta, Guinea »
9h55 Flash poster R&D
- Solène Vanderperre (PLATIM / IGFL) « Visualisation of protein complexes on DNA at the super resolution scale »
- Valérie Robert (Cytométrie / LBMC) « FACS sorting of C.elegans germline nuclei »
- Jean-Marc Vanacker (PRECI / IGFL) « Analysis of cancer cell invasion and metastasis in transparent zebrafish embryos »
10h15 Tea/Coffee break, posters and exhibition
10h45 Invited lecture
François Tardieu (INRA LEPSE, Montpellier) « Phenotyping for crop improvement in controlled and field conditions »
11h15 Flash poster SFR Platforms
- Caroline Costa (AniRA-vectorology) « Production of retroviral vectors based on MLV, HIV-1 and SIV by the AniRA-vectorology platform »
- Maxime Ratinier (AniRA-L3) « AniRA-L3: A Biosafety Level 3 Laboratory to study the interactions between viruses and their vertebrate/invertebrate hosts »
- Yann Leverrier (SFR Biosciences) « UMS Biosciences : new bio-containment facilities »
11h30 Poster Session
12h30 Lunch/Discussion
14h00 Invited lecture
Antonio Peixoto ( TRI-IPBS Imaging Core Facility, Toulouse) « Microscopy and Flow Cytometry in a BSL3 laboratory: challenges and our experience feedback »
14h30 SFR Speakers
Emeline Perrier-Groult (LBTI) « Recapitulating physical constraints on chondrocytes »
14h45 Invited lecture
Fabrice Vavre (LBBE - Symbiotron, Lyon) « Symbiotron and Micro-be-have : two collaborative tools for the study of insects-microorganims interactions in Lyon »
15h00 SFR Speakers
Léa François (RDP) « Molecular and genetic determinism of double flowers formation in roses »
15h15 Short Break
15h30 SFR Speakers
Anja Böckmann (MMSB) « Wheat-germ cell-free protein synthesis of complex proteins for structural and functional studies »
15h45 Abderrahman Khila (IGFL) « Stable yet variable: the case of extreme growth variation in Microvelia longipes »
16h00 Invited lecture
Laurence Vico (Sainbiose, St-Etienne) « Extreme conditions of spaceflight and skeletal adaptation »
16h30 Concluding Remarks / ongoing discussion / closing with drinks
- The meeting will be held at the Domaine Saint Joseph. The Domaine is located just 15 minutes from Lyon city centre, on the hill of Saint Foy lès Lyon.
Access to the Domaine Saint Joseph
scientific commitee
- Amandine Blanco (MMSB)
- Fabienne Archer (IVPC)
- François Leulier (IGFL)
- Jérôme Lafont (LBTI)
- Mohammed Bendahmane (RDP)
- Olivier Reynard (CIRI)
Coordination : Denise Aubert
- Julie ALEX
- Elodie MOLLICA
- Barbara GINEYS
- Alexis NAULEAU
- Merci à tous les responsables et personnels plateaux SFR biosciences