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2021 - Multiscale imaging of life

21 Septembre 2021 : 13ème Journée scientifique "SFR Biosciences"



PROGRAM                                  Access to the Domaine Saint Joseph





"Multiscale imaging of life: from single molecule to whole organism"

Deciphering the molecular processes of life implies developing new imaging technologies that allow visualizing the full scale of biological organization, from the atomic to the organismal level.


We will listen to three keynotes speakers: Patrick BRON (CBS - Montpellier),  Marcelo Nollmann (CBS- Montpellier) and Jean-claude Platel (INMED - Marseille).

We also will hear presentations from the LYMIC platforms, and talks by scientists from each different laboratory.


Book the date: Tuesday, September 21st 2021

Looking forward to seeing you all in the Domaine st Joseph for that exciting occasion.

Organizing Committee :  Samir MERABET, Patrice GOUET, Christophe GRANGEASSE, Benjamin LOPPIN, Pierre-Yves LOZACH, Elise LAMBERT, Marlène DREUX,Jan TRAAS & Administration/Communication department of SFR Biosciences.




  1. L'inscription obligatoire (gratuite)

  2. ATTENTION: En raison de la crise sanitaire, le nombre de personnes pouvant participer au déjeuner sera confirmé à la fin des inscriptions (DEAD LINE : 15/09/2021).






scientific commitee






