9th annual meeting EFOR
EFOR (Etudes Fonctionnelles chez les ORganismes modèles) is a national netwok created to promote research on a wide diversity of model organisms.
Dear colleagues,
The annual meeting of the EFOR network will take place on May 6th and 7th in Paris (FIAP Jean Monnet, www.fiap.paris).This will again be an exciting opportunity for researchers working on model organisms to meet and discuss.
Please, find here the preliminary program and follow the google form link to register.
Especially this year, the organizing committee of the zebrafish workshop would like to highlight young researchers (doctoral students, post-doctoral students, young team leader, etc.). We invite you to submit abstracts for short oral presentations.
The talks will be 20 minutes long (15min for talk + 5 min for questions).
Instructions for abstract submission:
- Language is English
- About 10-20 lines in arial 12 single space. No figures
- First line: short title, Arial 14, bold
- Second line: author(s), Arial 12, bold. Presenting author underlined
- Third line: institution(s) Arial 12
- Fourth line: e-mail, Arial 10
Please send abstracts before April 15th by e-mail to vincent.jourdain@cnrs.fr in a word file format with a file name format: EFOR_name of the speaker.doc
Please, feel free to transmit to your colleagues.
Hope to see you in May!
With best regards of the scientific committee of the EFOR meeting