Projet RD - Publication
L’équipe de recherche SKIN du Laboratoire de Biologie Tissulaire et Ingénierie thérapeutique (LBTI CNRS UMR 5305) en collaboration avec le service d’analyse du métabolisme du plateau AniRA-ImmOs a validé des mesures de respiration cellulaire sur des biopsies de peaux murines saines et diabétiques. Cette étude « Exploring mitochondrial metabolism of wild-type and diabetic mice skin explants using the Seahorse technology » est publiée dans Skin Research and Technology, Ce projet avait été financé par la SFR Biosciences lors de l’appel d’offre R&D 2020.
The SKIN research team from the LBTI Laboratory (CNRS UMR 5305) in collaboration with the metabolism analysis service of the AniRA-ImmOs platform validated cellular respiration measurements on biopsies of healthy and diabetics murine skins. This study “Exploring mitochondrial metabolism of wild-type and diabetic mice skin explants using the Seahorse technology” is published in Skin Research and Technology, This project was funded by SFR Biosciences 2020 R&D call.
FIGURE 1. Cell Mito Stress Test on mice skin. To perform the assay, mice’s backs were depilated and the skin was removed to take punch biopsies. Each punch was placed, dermis up, in the Seahorse well-plate which was then filled with Seahorse medium. The four drugs were added in the appropriate injection port of the Seahorse cartridge and the program started (A). The typical OCR curve obtained enables to calculate the different parameters of the mitochondrial respiration (B).