Avril 2023
Lundi 03/04/2023 Salle SDT CRC Séminaire Externe |
« The control of bud dormancy cycle in apple trees » | |
Fernando Andres LALAGUNA
Host : Mohammed Bendahmane
Mardi 04/04/2023 Salle IBCP conf Séminaire Externe |
“ Nutrient sensors and translational control of cell fate “ | |
(Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon)
Mercredi 05/04/2023 Salle SDT CRC Séminaire Externe |
« Reactive oxygen species in cytotoxic immunity against cancer » | |
Pr. Denis MARTINVALET (Department of Biomedical Sciences University of Padova
Veneto Institute of Molecular Medicine - Padova PD – ITALY)
Hôte: Jacqueline Marvel
Cytotoxic lymphocytes induce target cell death in a reactive oxygen species (ROS)-dependent manner following granzyme-medicated disruption of the respiratory chain complex I. We have found that granzymes enter target cell mitochondria in SAM50 channel-dependent manner unraveling a novel mitochondrial anterograde signaling. Importantly, this ROS production goes beyond the demise of the target cells. Indeed, target cell ROS output directly impacts on cytotoxic lymphocyte function. In this context, the lymphocytes sense the extracellular ROS via a surface redox sensitive receptor. Collectively, our data indicate that extracellular ROS could be an additional factor contributing to the immunosuppressive feature of the tumor microenvironment.
Mercedi 05/04/2023 Salle Condorcet Séminaire Externe |
« Role of chromatin in the control of transcriptional variability between plants » | |
Sandra CORTIJO (Institut des Sciences des Plantes de Montpellier)
Host : Marie Monniaux
Jeudi 20/04/2023 Salle SDT CRC Séminaire Externe |
« Bacterial immunity as a source of novel antiviral mechanisms across the tree of life » | |
François ROUSSET (Weizmann Institute of Science - Department of Molecular Genetics Israel)
Hôte: Xavier Charpentier & Thomas Henry
Multiple components of the innate immune system of animals were recently shown to be conserved in bacteria where they function to protect against phage infection, such as the cGAS-STING pathway, gasdermin-mediated pyroptosis and the RNAi pathway. Here, we report a novel family of immune effectors in bacteria which degrade cellular ATP and dATP in response to phage infection by cleaving the N-glycosidic bond between the adenine and sugar moieties. This ATP nucleosidase domain is also encoded within a diverse set of eukaryotic immune proteins, suggesting that (d)ATP degradation is a cell-autonomous innate immune strategy that is conserved across the tree of life. Our work illustrates how the study of bacterial defense against phages can expand our knowledge of eukaryotic innate immunity.
Lundi 24/04/2023 Salle IBCP conf Séminaire Externe
François ROUSSET (Institut des Sciences de l’évolution de Montpellier)
Host : Eq Guzzo
Vendredi 28/04/2023 Salle SDT CRC
Séminaire Externe
« Molecular mechanisms behind small RNA mediate genome defence » | |
René KETTING (Institute of Molecular Biology GmbH (IMB) Mainz, Germany)
Hote M. Delattre