Juin 2023
Vendredi 11h00
Salle SDT CRC Séminaire externe |
“ TBA ” |
Juliette MARTIN & Riccardo PELLARIN (Institut de Biologie et Chimie des Protéines (IBCP) Lyon)
Hote Marie Delattre / Francesca Palladino EGER (Brain Research Institut, Université de Zurich - Suisse)
Contact :
Lundi 11h00
Salle conf IBCP
Séminaire Externe |
“ New players in the molecular mechanism of filamentous phage infection. ” | |
Dr. Laetitia HOUOT (Laboratoire d'Ingénierie et des Systèmes Macromoléculaires (LISM) University of Marseille)
Hôte : Sarah Bigot
Lundi 11h00
salle conf IBCP
“ Extending the toolset to reveal the secret life of ABC transporters in situ: nanobodies, sybodies and deep mutational scanning ” | |
Pr. Markus SEEGER (University of Zurich)
Hôte : Jean Michel Jault
Membrane proteins are studied by extraction from native cellular membranes and reconstitution into artificial liposomes or nanodiscs, thereby removing them from the physiological environment. To truly understand the biophysical properties of membrane proteins, they must be investigated within living cells, which are inaccessible to structural approaches. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is an emerging technique, which enabled in-cell investigations on spin-labeled cytosolic proteins or in-situ labeled bacterial outer membrane proteins. However, in-cell EPR has not yet been extended to proteins residing in the cytoplasmic membrane due to the lack of methods to specifically introduce spin labels in vivo. Together with my colleague Enrica Bordignon, we generated a spin-labeled nanobody as EPR probe to interrogate the conformational cycle of the ABC transporter MsbA in cells by Double Electron Electron Resonance (DEER). Surprisingly, the wide inward-open conformation of MsbA, commonly considered a non-physiological state, was found to exist in metabolically active cells, but not in nanodiscs.
Lundi 10h00
Amphi G1
« Le lecteur ELISpot & Flurospot » | |
La plateforme AniRA-ImmOs de la SFR Biosciences
Lundi 13h45
Salle des Thèses CRC
«TBC » | |
Dr. Enrico MAGNANI (IJPB Versailles)
Host : Gwyneth Ingram . |
Mercredi 10h30
Salle des Thèses CRC
Workshop |
« Présentation de la technologie Seahorse » | |
programme et le lien d'inscription : https://tinyurl.com/yy5fzdp4 |
Jeudi 14h00
Salle des Thèses CRC
Séminaire externe |
« Chromosome morphogenesis and the regulation of meiotic events in C. elegans » | |
Dr. Monique ZETKA (Department of Biology McGill University, Québec)
Hote Marie Delattre
Vendredi 11h00
Salle IBCP Conf
Séminaire Externe |
«TBA » | |
Dr. Olivier RAINETEAU (Stem Cell and Brain Research Institute (SBRI), Lyon)
Hôte : Sophie Pantalacci
Mardi 09h00 Amphi Pasteur 11h00 Salle conf IBCP 14h00 salle Condorcet Séminaire externe |
"title" | |
09h00 : Les services du Ministère de l’Intérieur “ la sécurité informatique ”
Amphi Pasteur
11h00 : "title"
Prof. Thomas KEHL-FIE (University of l'Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Hôte : Mathilde Guzzo
Salle conf IBCP
14h00 : « Role of chromatin in the control of transcriptional variability between plants »
Dr. Sandra CORTIJO (Institute for Plant Science of Montpellier)
Host : Marie Monniaux
Jeudi 11h00
Séminaire Externe |
« Inter-organ communication in host defense » | |
Pr. Matthew WALDOR (Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, USA)
Hôte : Abdelrahim Zoued |
Lundi 14h00
Séminaire Externe |
« Flower asymmetry and the co-option of a genetic module during evolution » | |
Dr. Manuela COSTA (Universidade do Minho)
Host : Olivier Raymond
Lundi 14h00
salle Conf IBCP
Séminaire Externe
Jeudi 11h00
Séminaire Externe |
« Le système BLI (Bio-Layer Interferometry) » - « Scientific publishing at JEM: What, How and Why » | |
« Le système BLI (Bio-Layer Interferometry) » La plateforme PSF de la SFR Biosciences
« Scientific publishing at JEM: What, How and Why »
Pr. MONTSE Cols (Senior Scientific Editor at The Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM)) Hôte : Uzma Hasan