Mai 2024
Vendredi 11h00 Salle SDT CRC Séminaire externe |
« Racing the 3' end: tracking the speed, accuracy, and coordination of mRNA biogenesis » |
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Athma PAI (UMASS Chan Medical School - USA)
Host : Karina Jouravleva
Dr. Athma Pai conducted her graduate work in human and comparative genomics in the Department of Human Genetics at the University of Chicago. As a Ph.D. student with Dr. Yoav Gilad, Athma applied both experimental and computational approaches to understanding how gene regulatory variation in humans and closely related primates established gene expression signatures. Subsequently, she pursued postdoctoral research at MIT under the mentorship of Dr. Christopher Burge, focusing on unraveling the intricacies of mRNA splicing and RNA processing mechanisms post-immune response. Since January 2018, Dr. Pai has been serving as an Assistant Professor at UMASS Chan Medical School, where her research group is dedicated to developing and applying innovative methods to study RNA processing kinetics and unravel the coordination of RNA maturation throughout its lifecycle.
Lundi 11h00 Salle conf IBCP Séminaire externe
11h00 Salle Condorcet Séminaire externe
14h00 Salle Sdt CRC Mini symposium |
“ Applying the concepts of sleep-wake regulation to explain the daily transcriptome dynamics ”
Hôte : Kiran Padmanabhan
Mini-symposium "Small regulatory RNAs"
Contact : Karina Jouravleva
14:00: Dr. Clément Carré (Sorbonne Université, Paris). Title: 2'O-methylation (Nm): Conserved Role in Neuron Morphology & small non-coding RNA regulations.
15:00: Dr. Hervé Seitz (Institut de Génétique Humaine, Montpellier). Title: Widespread microRNA-independent conservation of presumptive microRNA binding sites in vertebrates. 16:00: Dr. Sébastien Pfeffer (Université de Strasbourg). Title: Regulation of RNA-based antiviral immunity in humans. |
Mardi 11h00
Salle séminaire IBCP
Séminaire Interne |
“ The histone variant H2A.Z is required to initiate DNA repair to prevent premature aging ” | |
Edwige BELLOTI (INMG, équipe Schaeffer)
Lundi 11h00
Salle Condorcet
Séminaire Externe
Salle Conf IBCP
Séminaire Externe |
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« Transcriptome augmentation, Polycomb-mediated chromatin dynamics and their links to metabolism during Arabidopsis thaliana photomorphogenesis »
Geoffrey SCHIVRE (Institut de biologie de l’ENS Paris)
Host : Teva Vernoux
“ L'égalité professionnelle avec un focus monde scientifique ”
Lucie MARCHAL (référente Egalité DR7-CNRS)
Vendredi 10h00 Salle Sdt CRC Séminaire Externe
11h00 Salle Sdt CRC Séminaire Externe |
« Unraveling tissue-specific responses to mild drought in young Arabidopsis leaves »
Ruben TENORIO BERRIO VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology)
Host : Teva Vernoux
« Phylogenetic identification of sites and genes associated to discrete and continuous phenotypes »
Bastien BOUSSAU (Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Évolutive, Lyon)
Host : Guillaume Launay
Identifying the footprints of selection in coding sequences can inform about the importance and function of individual sites. Analyses of the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions have been widely used to pinpoint changes in the intensity of selection, but cannot distinguish them from changes in the direction of selection, that is, changes in the fitness of specific amino acids at a given position. A few methods that rely on amino-acid profiles to detect changes in directional selection have been designed, but their performances have not been well characterized. In this presentation, I present a new method named Pelican and show on simulated data that it performs better than competing approaches. In particular, it can be used to look for sites that are associated to discrete phenotypes. Then I present the results of an analysis of 116 mammalian genomes to look for sites associated to several phenotypes of interest (e.g., diet, echolocation, aquatic lifestyle, etc.). Finally, I explain how our approach can be extended to look for correlations with continuous phenotypes such as size or longevity.
Lundi 11h00
Amphi SVT
Séminaire externe 11h00
Seminar room IBCP
Séminaire externe |
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“ Les biais cognitifs : un frein à l'égalité professionnelle ”
Lucie MARCHAL (Chargée de mission égalité, CNRS)
Hôte : Evelyne Manet
A quoi servent les stéréotypes ? Comment impactent-ils notre fonctionnement cognitif et nos performances ?
Dans nos sociétés, le mot science est associé au domaine masculin, et même si on est convaincu que les femmes ont leur place en sciences, cette association est automatique et influence nos perceptions. En se basant sur les recherches en sciences humaines et sociales, nous aborderons la question des stéréotypes sociaux et leurs influences sur notre fonctionnement cognitif. Nous verrons comment le sexisme impacte notre lecture du monde, nos prises de décision et nos relations au travail. “ Psychologie du travail et des organisations ”
Pr. Sabrina ROUAT (UR GRePS, Université Lyon2) Hôte:F. Chevalier
Jeudi 14h00
Séminaire externe |
"TBC" | |
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Richard IMMINK (University of Wageningen)
Host : Marie Monniaux
Vendredi 9h30
Salle SdT CRC
Séminaire externe 14h00
Salle SdT CRC
Séminaire externe |
« tbc »
Keiko SAKAKIBARA (Rikkyo University)
Host :Yoan Coudert
« Biological roles of proteome homochirality maintenance and the underlying mechanisms »
Agnès BANRETI (Institut de Biologie Valrose (iBV) Nice)
Host : Cyril Bourgeois
Lundi 11h00 Salle de Conf IBCP Séminaire externe |
“ TBC ” | |
Kostantinos BEIS () Hôte : C Lesterlin
Lundi 30/05/2024 11h00
Salle SdT CRC
Séminaire externe
« tbc » | |
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Pr. Riichiro ABE ()
Hôte : Marc Vocanson
Vendredi 31/05/2024 11h00
Salle SdT CRC
Séminaire externe |
« Partitioning of adhesive receptors to govern cell migratory strategies » | |
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Corinne ALBIGES-RIZO (IAB Grenoble)
Host : Muriel Grammont