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Mars 2024




Salle condorcet

Séminaire externe

« When LESS is MORE: gene loss and genome scrambling in Oikopleura dioica as an evolutionary knockout model in (Eco)EvoDevo. »

Cristian CAÑESTRO (Departament de Genètica, Microbiologia i Estadística,  Institut de REcerca de la Biodiversitat (IRBio), Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Catalonia, Spain)                          
Host :Yad Ghavi-Helm


Gene losses are pervasive and prevalent over gene gains throughout the tree of life and represent an important source of genetic variation with a great potential to be an adaptive evolutionary force ("the less is more" hypothesis). Work of our group during the last decade has showed that the appendicularian chordate Oikopleura dioica can be used as an attractive evolutionary knockout (eKO) model to study the impact of gene loss in the evolution of mechanisms of development in our own phylum, the chordates. Thus, for instance, we have shown that massive gene losses have led to the deconstruction of the cardiopharyngeal gene regulatory in appendicularians, facilitating the adaptive reacquisition of a free-living style of this group of chordates from an ancestral biphasic sessile ascidian-like tunicate. The recent sequencing and assembly at the chromosome level of the compacted genome of O. dioica specimens around the globe (e.g. Barcelona, Bergen, Osaka, Okinawa) is revealing an unprecedented amount of genome scrambling among populations, which now appear that might be indeed cryptic species, despite they do not present any obvious morphological differences. This finding is now offering a unique system to elucidate if the proneness of O. dioica to lose genes might be connected to its great rate of generation of chromosome breakpoints, to investigate the impact of gene loss on speciation, and to investigate how the remodeling of genome architecture relates with changes of gene regulation.


Salle SdT CRC

Séminaire Externe

« Understanding interphase chromosomes as physical objects »
Antoine COULON (Institut Curie)         
Host :Daniel Jost
Our understanding of genome organization and nuclear architecture has greatly progressed in the past few decades. Advances in sequencing-based technologies for mapping chromosomal contacts and in microscopy-based approaches for visualizing chromosome folding and dynamics have led to physical models of chromosomes aiming to explain and relate structure, dynamics and function. However, beyond visualization, the ability to physically manipulate chromosomes inside a living cell holds great potentials to reveal what passive visualization cannot. I will present a new technology we have developed for direct mechanical manipulation of chromosomes inside living human cells with magnetic forces. I will discuss what this approach taught us about the physical nature and material properties of interphase chromosomes, as well as ongoing work and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.                                                                                                                                                                          


salle Condorcet

Séminaire Externe

“ TBC ”

Marie BARBERON (University of Geneva)                                                                                                                                                           

Host : Benoît Landrein


Salle de conf IBCP
Séminaire Externe
“ Antibiotic non-response in Escherichia coli: in vitro and in vivo approaches “
Imane EL MEOUCHE                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Host : Eq Guzzo





« RDP career day »
Stéphanie BREUIL, Laurine GILLES, Sophie JASINSKI, Mathilde SIMON, Rita SAN BENTO and Marie BARBERON
Host : Marie Monniaux and Benoît Landrein


Amphi G1 UCBL

Séminaire externe

“ Programme ArboSud: une approche holistique de suivi des arbovirus “


YANNICK SIMONIN (Pathogenesis and Control of Chronic and Emerging Infections (PCCEI), Université de Montpellier)                       
La présentation est prévue en français



Salle de conf IBCP

Séminaire externe



Gabriel WAKSMAN 
Host : C Lesterlin                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Lundi - Mardi

Salle Condorcet
Journées scientifique du GDR DynaVir
“ Réunion DYNAVIR “
Co-organisation : Francesca Fiorini,Patrice Gouet, Evelyne Manet, Patrick Lomonte, Henri Gruffat


11h00 Salle SDT CRC

 Séminaire externe
“ Les biais cognitifs : un frein à l'égalité professionnelle ”


Lucie MARCHAL (Chargée de mission égalité, CNRS) 
Hôte : Evelyne Manet
A quoi servent les stéréotypes ? Comment impactent-ils notre fonctionnement cognitif et nos performances ?
Dans nos sociétés, le mot science est associé au domaine masculin, et même si on est convaincu que les femmes ont leur place en sciences, cette association est automatique et influence nos perceptions. En se basant sur les recherches en sciences humaines et sociales, nous aborderons la question des stéréotypes sociaux et leurs influences sur notre fonctionnement cognitif. Nous verrons comment le sexisme impacte notre lecture du monde, nos prises de décision et nos relations au travail.




Séminaire Externe

« Prise en considération de l'animal en expérimentation : Un enjeu technique et sociétal »

Gertraud OREND 
Séminaire organisé par le Ceccapp – Comité d’Ethique en Expérimentation Animale n°15
13h30 – 14h45 : Gestion de l’environnement des primates : comment s’en inspirer pour raffiner l’élevage des rongeurs ?

Helen Beyer, Responsable du bien-être animal, SILABE, Université de Strasbourg
15h00 - 16h15 : Sociologie de la cause animale
Jérôme Michalon, Chargé de recherches CNRS, UMR Triangle, Sciences Po Lyon - Université Lyon 2 – École Normale Supérieure de Lyon - Université Jean Monnet Saint Etienne
16h15 – 16h55 : (titre à préciser) Rapports humains-animaux en expérimentation
Juliette Rousselet, Doctorante en sociologie à l’ENS de Lyon, UMR Triangle, Sciences Po Lyon - Université Lyon 2 - École Normale Supérieure de Lyon - Université Jean Monnet Saint Etienne
16h55 - 17h30 : Les comités d’éthique en expérimentation animale
Sabine Richard, Chargée de recherches INRAE, présidente adjointe du Ceccapp (comité d’éthique en expérimentation animale n°15)

Inscription gratuite mais obligatoire :                                                                                                                                                       



Séminaire Externe
« Human genetics as a tool to understand immunity -using germline and somatic variants to bridge from molecular lesion to clinical phenotype- »
Jonathan BOHLEN (Institut Imagine Hospital Necker Paris)                                                                                                                                                                    
Host : Emiliano Ricci
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