Octobre 2024
Vendredi 11h00 Salle SDT CRC Séminaire externe |
“ Cerebral stem cells ” |
Fiona DOETSCH (Biozentrum Basel, Switzerland)
Host: Stéphane Vincent
Lundi 11h00 Seminar room IBCP Séminaire externe |
“ TBC ” | |
Yoann SANTIN ( laboratoire de Géraldine Laloux à l’Institut de Duve, Bruxelles)
Host: C.Grangeasse
Lundi 09h30
Salle Condorcet
Séminaire externe |
“ Towards an integrative structure of the cell plate ” | |
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Romain PLESKOT (Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
Hôte: Vedrana Markovic
Lundi 11h00
Seminar room IBCP
Séminaire Externe |
“ The extracellular capsule: a major driver of bacterial evolution ” | |
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Olaya RENDUELES GARCIA (Institut Pasteur, Paris)
Host: S. Bigot
Mardi 11h00 Amphi Pasteur Séminaire Externe |
“ TBC ” | |
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Eric CASCALES (Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Macromoléculaires, Mediterranean Institute of Microbiology (IMM), Marseille, France)
Hôte : Thomas Henry
Lundi-Mercredi Amphi Mérieux
Symposium NK/ILC 2024 |
"Symposium NK/ILC 2024" | |
Le comité d’organisation : Thierry Walzer
Le symposium NK/ILC a traditionnellement lieu en Allemagne chaque année, initié par le groupe d'étude "Cellules NK et ILC" de la Société Allemande d'Immunologie (DGFI). Cette réunion sera cette année organisée en France, également avec l’aide de la société Française d’Immunologie, et réunira des experts en biologie des lymphocytes innés et couvrira les derniers concepts émergents dans le domaine, leur traduction clinique et l'application des technologies de pointe à haute résolution. La réunion accueillera des chercheurs, des industriels et des cliniciens ayant un intérêt commun pour les cellules NK et ILC. Il discutera de la façon dont la compréhension actuelle du développement et de la biologie des NK et des ILC pourrait permettre le développement de thérapies de nouvelle génération dans le cancer et les infections chroniques.
Le congrès de 3 jours accueillera des intervenants internationaux de renom du monde entier. Il exposera également des recherches de pointe sur une large gamme de sujets et encouragera la prochaine génération de chercheurs lors de présentations orales et de sessions d'affiches. Les sessions couvriront de nouvelles découvertes de la science fondamentale aux applications translationnelles directes chez les patients. Toutes les informations sont disponibles sur le site web, et les inscriptions se font également en ligne: |
Jeudi 14h00 Salle SDT CRC
Séminaire externe |
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“ Identifying Host-Directed Antivirals Enhanced by Machine Learning Across Multiple Platforms ”
Tuna TOPTAN GRABMAIR (Technical University of Munich)
Host : Mathieu Matéo
“ Intrinsic and innate immune defenses against RNA viruses “
Caroline GOUJON (Interféron et restriction antivirale; Institut de recherche en infectiologie de Montpellier)
Hôte: Mathieu Mateo
Vendredi 11h00
Salle Condorcet
Séminaire interne |
“ TBC ” | |
Pr. Zhuohua ZHANG (Institute of Molecular Precision Medicine, Changsha)
Host: Bertrand Mollereau
Lundi 11h00 Séminaire externe |
« Role of resident memory T lymphocytes in anti-tumor vaccination and cancer immunotherapy » | |
Pr. Eric TARTOUR (Head lab of immunology Bi-site Hopital Europeen Georges Pompidou and Hôpital Necker)
Hôte : Roxane Cuzin
Resident memory T lymphocytes (TRM) play a role in the immunosurveillance of T lymphocytes in tissues and are involved in the defence against infections and cancer. We have previously shown in preclinical models that they are essential in anti-cancer vaccine strategies, particularly for mucosal tumours where they can be induced by mucosal immunisation route. In cancers treated with immunotherapy protocols based on anti-PD-(L)1 antibodies, it has been demonstrated that intratumoral amplification of these TRM is associated with clinical response. Recently, it has been reported that these TRM, classically defined by the CD103 marker, are fairly heterogeneous and composed of different sub-populations expressing or not CD103 and defined by other markers such as CD69 and CD49 and a profile of transcription factors associated with TRM. The differential role of these TRM sub-populations in vaccination strategies or in the response to anti-PD-(L)1 treatment in humans will be the topic of this seminar.
Mardi 29/10/2024 11h00
Salle SdT CRC
Séminaire externe
« Circadian control of regulatory T cells by enteric neurons and eosinophils » | |
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Daniel MUCIDA (Laboratory of Mucosal Immunology at Rockefeller University, New-York)
Hôte : Stéphane Paul
Multiple intestinal functions including nutrient absorption and peristalsis display regional specialization as well as time-of-day effect under the control of circadian rhythm. We investigated the role of these adaptations in the intestinal immune system and the response to dietary antigens. We found that regulatory T (Treg) cells in the murine proximal small intestine (duodenum) expand during the active phase (night) and contract during the day. Treg cell expansion was supported by activin A receptor-expressing eosinophils and clock gene-dependent rhythmic production of follistatin by duodenal enteric neurons. The circadian entrainment of these changes depended on light exposure but not on the time of food intake. This neuro-immune pathway affected immune responses to food, so that oral challenges during the night resulted in more protective tolerance, which was dependent on enteric neuron-derived follistatin secretion. These data suggest that circadian and regional adaptations in the intestine augment regulatory responses during the active phase.
Jeudi 31/10/2024 11h00
Seminar room IBCP
Séminaire externe
“ TBC ” | |
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Michael LAUB (MIT Biology and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA)
Host: M. Guzzo