2023 - Protein studies from atomic to integrated scales
« Protein studies from atomic to integrated scales »
Book the date: Friday, June 23 2023
L'inscription obligatoire (gratuite) : Dead line 12 Juin 2023
June 23 2023
8:30 Accueil
9:00: Introduction to the SFR - SFR Director
9:10: Introduction to Protein Science Facility (PSF) - V. Gueguen-Chaignon
9:20: Enzymatic and structural characterization of enzymes from the opportunistic
pathogen Candida glabrata - L. Ballut (MMSB)
9:40: Targeting protein-protein interactions with nanobodies : an efficient way to
modulate collagen fibrillogenesis - S. Le Goff (CNRS UMR5305, LBTI)
10:00: SPR measurements of affinities between macromolecules - D. Cluet (ENS,
10:20: Proteomic analysis of the shift to competence in Legionella pneumophila L. Attaiech (CIRI)
10:40: Coffe break
11:05: Keynote lecture: Regulation of Lytic Machineries in the Bacterial Cell Wall. A
structural approach - J. Hermoso (Instituto Quimica-Fisica, CSIC, Spain)
12:00: Proteomic-driven identification of receptors involved in edge-based growth
control - L. Elliott (RDP)
12:30: Lunch Break, coffee, poster and exhibition tables
14:00: Company Flash Talks
14:30: 4 Flash Talks Technology Development SFR-funded projects
15:00: Keynote lecture: Protein dynamics driving circadian physiology - M. Robles
(Biomedical Center & Institute of Medical Psychology, Munich, Germany)
15:55: A Nanobody-based approach for capturing interactomes of specific
dimeric protein complexes in live cells - N. Hajj Sleiman (IGFL)
16:15: Proteomics, lipidomics, and the cell biology of virus entry - P.Y. Lozach (IVPC)
16:35: Concluding remarks, coffee posters, and exhibition tables
17:00: END
- https://www.chateau-montchat.com/
- Attention : changement de lieu cette année au Château de Montchat !
- Be careful : this year in Montchat Castle !
scientific commitee
- Elodie MOLLICA
- Merci à tous les responsables et personnels plateaux SFR biosciences